Thursday, February 7, 2013

vector quantization


        Vector quantization (VQ) has been commonly used in the compression of image and speech signals. In vector quantization, a reproduction vector (codevector) in a predesigned set of vectors (codebook) approximates each set (vector) of the input signal. This representative codevector, the nearest neighbor of the source vector, gives the least dissimilarity (distortion) among all the codevectors in the codebook. In vector quantization, compression is achieved by transmitting or storing the indices associated to the codevectors instead of the codevectors because of the far fewer bits required for the indices. The following Figure 1 shows the principle of the resulting encoder and decoder.

          Figure 1: The principle of the encoder and the decoder used in vector quantization. Source [27]

        Vector quantization is the extension of scalar quantization. Basically in signal processing converting a analog source - continuous time and amplitude- into a digital source - discrete time and amplitude - results in two operations: sampling and quantization. In the following context, a source is regarded as stochastic process described by a probability density function. A particularly realization of such a source is a signal. So sampling means to convert a continuous-time signal into a discrete-time signal –a set of data samples. Quantization means to convert a continuous-amplitude signal into a discrete-amplitude signal.

        Vector quantization is characterized by its dimension, equal to the number of data samples in a set, which is quantized jointly as a single vector. Then vector quantization means to approximate an infinite set of vectors by a limited set of vectors. This approximation can be regarded as a lossy compression method characterized by its distortionand its compression rate. The distortion measures the loss of information induced by the quantization. For images is this loss a degradation in details. The compression rate measures the gain in representing the samples by passing from an infinite set to a limited set. In the sense of transmission, a large compression rate implies a low bit rate and low compression rate implies a large bit rate to transmit the same number of data samples in the same time.

        In image processing vector quantization is used as a lossy compression method to reduce psychovisual as well as statistical redundancies in the image data. begin chapter|next chapter
    1.1 Principles of Vector Quantization
        Vector quantization is based on two principal theories: Shannon rate distortion theory and high-resolution theory. The two theories are complementary in the sense that Shannon rate distortion theory prescribes the best possible performance of quantization with a given bit rate and asymptotically large dimension, while high-resolution theory prescribes the best possible performance with a given dimension and asymptotically large bit rate.
        So vector quantization based on the Shannon rate distortion theory exploits the interdependencies of the data samples to gain performance; in especially to transmit with the same bit rate more information. With increasing dimension this interdependencies approximate the probability density function of the source. As a result the Shannon rate distortion theory leads to a small codebook with a large dimension.
        Instead vector quantization based on the high-resolution theory assumes a uniform probability density function for the source. In case of non-uniformity, a high bit rate is imposed to attain a local uniform probability density. A high bit rate means to transmit more codevectors for the same amount of information. This is resulting in a large codebook with a small dimension.

        So when dimension as well as bit rate is large, both theories merge. Obviously that each theory leads to its own design philosophy.
        Further theoretical background for both theories can be found by Gray and Neuhoff [1] and by Gersho and Gray [2].  

    1.1.1 Encoder and Decoder
        The quantization can be decomposed into two operations: a lossy encoder a and a reproduction decoder b. The lossy encoder a is the mapping from the set of source vectors X ÌRk to the index set I = {1,…,i,…N}. So a k-dimensional vectorxÎX is represented by a index iÎ I. There the set of vectors X is the infinite set of all possible combinations of k data samples. The index set I is a finite set of N indices. The reproduction decoder ? is the mapping from the index set I to the reproduction set Y ÌRk.
        To each index i is associated a reproduction vector yiÎY, whereby Y = {y1,…,yi,…,yN}. There the original set of source vectors X is partitioned in N subsets (regions) and each vector falling in a subset is represented by the associated reproduction vector. So the reproduction set Y represents with less vectors an approximation of the source.
        The reproduction set Y is also named codebook and its reproduction vectors codevectors. In fact in most vector quantization methods the reproduction set Y is used as codebook to encode and to decode the vectors as presented in Figure 1. Depending on the theory the operations encoding and decoding varies or can further be decomposed.  

    1.1.2 Distortion Measure
        The difference between the source vector and its associated codevector is the distortion (quantization error, quantization noise) measured by a cost function. Commonly used cost functions are norms so the difference between the source vector and codevector becomes a distance d. In image processing, Euclidean norm as the cost function, is the most used distortion measure. However for vector quantization the squared Euclidean norm or mean squared error is applied to simplify the computation. It has been shown that mean squared error does not correlate well with human quality requirements. In especially, details in an image such as edges and breaks getting blurred by using the mean squared error.
        Given the source vector x and the codevector yithe squared Euclidean distance or mean square error is given by

    1.1.3 Codebook
        With a distortion measure and the probability density function of the source an optimal codebook can be designed. Optimal in the sense that the average distortion between each possible source vector x and the codevectors yi is minimal.
        Commonly this distortion is expressed by the peak signal to noise ratio.
        There the peak value is the maximal attainable source sample.
        So the codebook is partitioned such that for each vector x a nearest neighbor codevector yi exists. Mathematically spoken this partition is called Voronoi or Dirichlet partitionand the codevectors are the centroids of each region. The followingFigure 2 represents the two dimensional case.
        In general the probability density function of the source is rarely known. To circumvent this problem the rate distortion theory and high resolution theory offers each a solution.
        The later one is to choose a large number of codevectors. The associated regions are small and high structured as a lattice. So instead to find the nearest neighbor the number of codevectors is raised such that for each vector x the distortion is approximately constant. As mentioned, this results to a local uniformity of the source probability density function and a high bit rate.
        Figure 2: Codevectors in 2-dimensional space. Source vectors are marked with a cross, codevectors are marked with circles, and the Voronoi regions are separated with boundary lines. Source [27]

        The other solution is to use a training set representing best the source to optimize the codebook. To achieve this, a clustering algorithmis used. Such an algorithm is the Lloyd algorithm. It iteratively improves a codebook by alternately optimizing the encoder for the decoder - subdividing the codebook in regions (Voronoi regions) in the manner that the average distortion for the given training set is minimal, and the decoder for the encoder - replacing the codevectors by the centroids. This is repeated until the average distortion and rate converges to an inferior limit set by the Shannon rate distortion theory. So the codebook is optimal for the training set but not necessary for the set of source vectors. Other clustering algorithm are known such as the pairwise nearest neighbor algorithm by Ward and Equitz, k-means algorithm, neural net approaches, simulated annealing and stochastic relaxation algorithms just to mention some.  

    1.2 Classification of Vector Quantization
        Vector quantization can be classified into vector quantization with and without memory. Memoryless vector quantization encodes each source vector separately instead vector quantization with memory encode the source vectors exploiting in addition their interdependencies. A coarse criterion is the rate, most memoryless vector quantizations have a fixed bit rate and most vector quantizations with memory have a variable bit rate.

    1.2.1 Vector Quantization without Memory
        In practice to get reasonable vector quantization performance there are two different approaches. One remains with the original optimal vector quantization and uses fast algorithms for the nearest neighbor search. This is named as unconstrained or unstructured vector quantization. The other uses simple search algorithms and, as a consequence of the simplicity, an approximation of the optimal codebook. This is named as constrainedor structured vector quantization. Unconstrained Vector Quantization To encode a source vector the closest codevector (nearest neighbor) in the optimal codebook is determined by using different search methods. Full Search Vector Quantization For given sources vector the distortion to each codevector in the codebook is computed. The codevector with the minimal distortion is chosen as the reproduction vector. Fast Search Vector Quantization To speed up the search procedure only a subset of codevectors is used. To decide which codevectors have to be considered an inherent property of the source vectors is used. Such properties are obtained by a transformation like principal component analysis, Walsh-Hadamard transformation, discrete cosine transformation or hyperplane partitioning. An other method is to use a geometrical criterion such as the triangular inequality to exclude codevectors from the search. Constrained Vector Quantization To encode a source vector a constrained codebook is used. In this case the codevector is an approximation of the nearest neighbor vector resulting in a suboptimal encoding.

        Tree Structured Quantization The codebook is structured as a tree there beginning by the root the branches with the minimal resulting distortion are chosen.

        Classified Vector Quantization The codebook is divided in several sub-codebooks. Where the sub-codebook for a given source vectors is selected by an appropriate criterion. This criterion is based on an inherent property of the source vectors.

        Product Code Techniques The set of source vectors is divided in approximately independent subset. Each subset is encoded by its proper codebook. Depending of source different methods are used known as partitioned vector quantization, mean removed or mean residual vector quantization, shape gain vector quantization, pyramid vector quantization, polar vector quantization, multistage or residual vector quantization.

        Lattice Vector Quantization The codebook is a regular lattice there all regions having the same shape, size and orientation. begin chapter|next chapter

    1.2.2 Vector Quantization with Memory

Usually a sequence of vectors is encoded where each vector can be assumed to have the same probability density function, but the successive vectors may be statistically dependent. This is taken in advantage to raise the vector quantization performance. But low dimensional memory vector quantization does not permit performance better than high dimensional memoryless vector quantization. Predictive Vector Quantization The encoder makes a prediction of the incoming vector based on previously encoded vectors. The difference between the source vector and the predictor is formed and encoded. Finite State Vector Quantization Each state represents a separate vector quantization with its own codebook. Further vector quantization methods with memory are Entropy Vector Quantization, Tree and Trellis Vector Quantization and Adaptive Vector Quantization. A description of the above methods can be found by Gersho and Gray [2], Gray [4] and Nasrabadi and King [3]   1
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